Benefits of Rain water for your hair and skin
Benefits of Rain water for your hair and skin First Rains :Always avoid the first rains when it comes to getting drenched. These days cities have acid rains. The first rains wash away the harmful impurities and chemical pollutants in the atmosphere. This polluted rain water is obviously dangerous for your hair. After a few heavy showers, it is safe to expo First Rains Always avoid the first rains when it comes to getting drenched. These days cities have acid rains. The first rains wash away the harmful impurities and chemical pollutants in the atmosphere. This polluted rain water is obviously dangerous for your hair. After a few heavy showers, it is safe to expo se your hair to rain water. Soft Water Technically, rain water is the purest form of soft water. So if you have hair problems, then the safest water for your hair is rain water. Most monsoon hair care tips forbid you to get wet in first rains. But beyond that, rain water will do your hair no harm. Rain Water ...